How Your Money Wisdom Plants the Seeds for a More Prosperous Future

What if you could give any child in your life a brighter financial future without spending a single penny? What if it only took the right words? Believe it or not, that IS possible.

Talking to children about money now can pay off in a big way later. And that’s true for “children” of any age — from kiddos in elementary school to adult children who have kids of their own.

It’s easy enough to start a meaningful conversation about finance and share what you know if you know where to begin. So, here are some simple, thought-provoking conversation starters to use with anyone age 8 and older.

  1. Saving money has allowed me to...
  2. When I'm deciding whether to buy something or save money, I...
  3. If someone asks to borrow money from me, I...
  4. If I could go back in time, I would tell my younger self...
  5. One thing I regret buying is...
  6. One thing I'm saving up to purchase is...
  7. I am grateful for...

If you have these in your back pocket — ready to go — you can easily kickstart a talk about money the next time you have the chance. And you could end up sharing some enlightening pearls of money wisdom in the process.

Talking about finance doesn’t just give you the chance to pass along hard-earned wisdom. It can also inspire children — young and older — to make more prudent choices and pick up better financial habits. In the big picture, these money talks can contribute to financial well-being and a much brighter future. To learn more click here to read our newsletter.